two trucks having sex

chris / 20 / bi / any pronouns


  • ajin

  • powerpuff girls (z) (1998 and anime)

  • that is it

  • osomatsu-san

before u follow🙄

  • i can be blunt + insensitive + rude !! -_-

  • i am goofy like 100% of the time and don't like to be serious :~)

  • ive got Lack of Empathy issues -_____-

don't follow if

  • are lgbtphobic/racist/sexist etc. you know. the standard criteria

  • ship incest (yes, including step siblings/not blood related siblings) and/or pedophilic ships. fuck outta here

  • particularly like yatori or yatone (noragami ships)

you made it 2 the end!

extra links that lead to my other
accounts (sorry i have so many T_T)